Sunday, November 4, 2007

Let The Panic Begin

Well, we've been asked to let KETV come and film our house/collections/Christmas decorations and the d-day date is November 26th. That is 3 weeks and 3 hours away. I'm not freaking out, I'm really not. There is still much to be done and a lot of it is in the dusting department. I worked hard and fast all day Sat and part of today and I have to say I've gotten almost all the decorations out and the trees done. One more to go and that will be a done deal after tomorrow. I did even start on dusting the den. It always goes faster than I think it will but it's definitely not the hightlight of the season or anything.

Tim still has to put up his tree, the aluminum tree and his decorations upstairs but he plans to work on that soon. He's been super busy the last couple of weeks with freelance jobs so decorating has been put on the back burner. And he wanted to enjoy the last of Oct without every nook and cranny screaming Fa La La.

So, I'm really not freaking out.

I'll keep you posted on that if it changes though.

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