After many weeks of GK just not being right and having some odd symptoms and behaviors and dragging her almost weekly to our vet's they finally ditched us and referred us to a Kitty Cat Internist over in L'ville. Yep, when I called first thing Monday morning to report in that she was STILL the same after another round of antihistamines, they called me back and said, Dr. Hayes is referring you to Metro Vet's their no. and let us know when you have an appt and we'll fax info over. We're getting tired of seeing your credit card, bye now.
Okay, so in the middle of cropping with friends Monday I had to arrange all of this and switch my work schedule because of course the appt would be Thursday!
She finally seemed more like herself yesterday and then I hated to drag her over there today and put her through the stress of it all. But, off we went.
And, we've got a condition. We finally have an answer. It's not the top end of her this go 'round, it's the rump end.
Diagnosis: Bilateral Perenial Hernias
So super impressed with the vet and he wants to try an increase of the mineral oil/tuna oil we've been giving her and see if we can correct the symptoms without ultimately doing surgery.
And, they are testing her thyroid and won't have the blood test results back till Monday.
To be continued...
Sounds like you've got her covered top to bottom . . .
Youch! Let's hope nothing goes wrong in between...
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