Well, I made spaghetti for supper tonight. I gave in the other night at Kroger and bought more expensive spaghetti sauce. I give up on Ragu. I simply can't eat it. Unless it's in lasagna or something. So, I decided to have it tonight. Cooked the ground beef and added the sauce. Doctored it up a little and let it simmer. Threw two garlic breadsticks in the toaster oven and went back to undecorating my Noah's Ark tree.
Called Tim to come eat and started scooping some sauce out on his plate when I suddenly realized there were no noodles. No spaghetti noodles. None. I never made them. My bad. I completely forgot that part! So, informed Tim there would be a slight delay in supper and went to cook the noodles.
Once it all came together, it was pretty darn good. Good sauce too.
Ya know, I THOUGHT something was missing when I came in to the kitchen!
You were right!
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