Okay, my motto as a transplanted Virgina/East Coast girl (last big snow there, 1987...everything closes in a dusting) is not to venture out anywhere if it snows, sleets, snows and sleets, or gets icy. So, today we got a few inches of snow with more to come over night for a grand total expected to be around 8-12 inches. For someone who has been cooped up a lot the last 4 weeks I had a lot of plans this weekend and they quickly went by the wayside with that forecast. But, it was good reason to stay in and rest like I needed to be doing so today started the four days of rest, scrapbooking, reading, watching movies with the husband, etc.
I didn't last long. After scrapbooking all afternoon, I noticed that the roads really weren't that bad, in fact just wet. Being that we live on a main road, it gets a lot of traffic and clearing. So, the fact that Hobby Lobby was only 8 minutes away on main roads and the photo storage boxes were only half price through Sat night and I still had the two 40% off coupons we failed to use Tues night, it seemed like a good idea to grab the hubby and go!
So, like a good husband, he cleared the steps and sidewalk off for his princess (that's me!) and dropped me off at the front door to HL! Really, the roads were fine and other than the car accident we saw happen as soon as we arrived in Clarksville, all went well.
Secured 12 photo storage boxes for $2 each for mom who's in a photo organizing frenzy and found where they had hidden all the "good" glue dots that were 50% off...in the glue section! Sneaky! Also found some paper mache letters 50% off that I got sucked into for a grandiose project I'll probably never do! Tim picked up a model he wanted with the other 40% off coupon.
Now we are home safe and sound with our loot and pictures ready to face the rest of the weekend holed up.
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