Well a few weeks ago Junior and Garden Kitty finally became friends! Not that he wasn't trying from the beginning but she was a little slower to come 'round! Now they play and wrestle and chase each other. Usually about 5:30-6:30 am when I'm still trying to sleep. And where do they do this you ask? Right next to my side of the bed. Yup. Every single time!
And, while we are talking cats and cat behavior- would someone please explain Daylight Savings Time to my cats? You see, at 5:15 am Sunday morning they thought it was 6:15 am like the day before and they were hungry and GK was behind the bed squealing and meowing ever so slightly and when that didn't rouse me out of bed, she did the "get on her pillow right above her bed and purr (buzz) loudly" trick. When that didn't work she had Junior come in and meow a time or two. Then they decided they might as well wrestle on the floor next to my side of the bed.
So, I never did get that "extra hour of sleep" everyone raves about when Daylight Savings Time comes to an end. I actually only got like 6 hours of sleep.
And have for about 4 days now due to one thing or meow or another. Etsy has been booming, which I am grateful for! It's been crazy trying to keep up with listings, packing items, shipping them out and keeping any new finds organized and ready to list! Christmas decorating is in full swing here although it was seasonal chaos when Tim had Halloween decorations out and I had multiple trees up just a room or two away! With 31 trees to decorate, I unfortunately have to start in October or late Sept. Just couldn't get much done at the end of Sept. though but October has been quite productive!
And a good thing! Our vintage toy collections and themed Christmas trees will be featured in an upcoming magazine put out by the local paper! A very nice freelance writer and her photographer hubby came over a couple of Sundays ago and spent about 2 hours with us! It was great fun and I had a lot done which she was thrilled about!
So, busy busy busy here at the old house!
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