Click on the picture of the text if it's too small to read. These old books from the 1950s are a hoot! "On Saturdays when you spend much time on housework..." My how times have changed!
Well, Saturday I decided to run out to a couple of estate sales and see if they would yield any must have treasures. The first one was so awful. It was in a terrible neighborhood in downtown Louisville and I wasn't even going to go in at first. However, after driving almost 20 minutes to get to it I did go on in, looked and then promptly left. Ick! Then on to the second one which really wasn't an estate sale after all. It was a driveway sale. BUT, she had some good stuff and when I asked about board games she let me in to her downstairs apartment and let me dig through some boxes....oh what do I get myself into? I came out unscathed fortunately but I do have to wonder about myself sometimes! Then she let me go dig in her garage through the two shelves of games out there! Apparently she had been a big time ebayer but was tired of it! I then went to two little outdoor flea markets and one thrift store while I was in the same area. Found something everywhere, of course!
Found lots of goodies!!!! One of the best finds was an unopened Rt. 66 game with the best cards in it! They look like miniature old fashioned postcards! I can't wait to use the AZ ones in our Rt. 66 trip scrapbook! And I found these stacks of paper words that spell out GREAT HUSBAND! How funny is that? Great stuff for my etsy shop which I then spent the rest of the day attempting to dissect and organize until I completely collapsed! You see my little helper, not only did she fully inspect the piles of games, she also went to sleep on them! You're fired little Ms. Kitty!
So, out of necessity, I have spent the better part of today trying to actually list items in my etsy shop!
This is what the front parlor table looks like after a few hours of antiquing, thrifting and etsy hunting! Egads! Tim is SUCH a great sport, not only does he not mind the mess he helps carry the mess in from the car! So here's a peek at yesterdays treasures! I got a stack of 32 vintage magazines...Better Homes and Gardens and Good Housekeeping mainly or Better Housekeeping as Tim called it! Now there's a thought....I also got to fill up a box of vintage patterns with great pictures on them for a wonderful price! That was too fun even if it did mean having to sort through three boxes a second time, 10 minutes before the store was closing! A box of fun fabric, including some feed sack material and beautiful old fabric covered in yellow roses, Dennison crepe paper, an old Candy Land game, a great old Bingo game with the yummiest cards from the 1940s, a vintage hat to dissect, old christmas icicles MINT in the package for my collection (50 cents!!!!), just fun stuff all the way around!
The rest of the afternoon was spent in Corydon's historic district going to two antique malls, their little scrapbook store and two thrift stores! Found LOTS of goodies for my etsy shop! A couple of keepers, a gift for mom and a pink hat for her collection and Tim found three vintage souvenir glasses! Oh, and he found two goodies to tuck away for me for Christmas! I'm under orders to forget about them!
We got a personalized tour inside a local artist's studio yesterday. Totally unexpected as we were having our little picnic at the picnic table in front of the Farmer's Market in downtown New Albany. We poked our heads inside his studio and asked him what he thing led to another and we visited for quite awhile. He was very interesting and does displays and such for Cracker Barrels and theme parks, etc! He even gave us parting gifts for our collections! How fun!
We lost our little guy a year ago today. So sad. It's really hard to believe a year has gone by already. We were going to go to Madison to visit his little grave today but I didn't feel very good (my right side pain came back) and so we didn't make the trip...maybe this weekend.
We had a wonderful surprise the other night though. I brought up an old video from some home movies I took in Toronto in 1995. I thought that was all that was on the tape. After the Toronto footage played there were movies of Oscar and my dad playing in his basement when we moved back home from Ohio later that year! It was great to see him young and playful! I didn't even know I had those movies!
I still miss you buddy....thank you for 16 1/2 years together....
Just found them via Mystic Paper's blog! They are called Graphic 45 and are out of Utah. Best of all I found the papers semi-locally in Nashville, IN! Road trip! Or they will ship to me but it sounds like a great store so I think I want to go in person!
Mom and I went to a lock in for scrapbooking Friday night through Saturday night at a friend's church. We did come home and sleep Friday night! I got 8 Christmas layouts finished and put some pictures in my little house shaped album. Still haven't made much of a dent in the Christmas pictures from last year but every little bit helps! Most of my layouts were scraplifts from my idea book. Mom worked on her card and recipe albums and she got quite a bit done too! It was great to have all that time to work on layouts without home distractions!
Tim and I have been watching my old home movies from the early 1970s which he transferred to video tape a few years ago. They are hilarious but the best clip of all was this one. I had this thing about being a ballerina, wearing fancy tutus and ballet slippers and prancing around although I hated my ballet lessons and they didn't last long as you can tell! I think I was about 5 years old here!
So, he managed to capture the clip and put it in his computer and upload it to You Tube for me so I can share it! Just hit the play button in the center of the You Tube screen to start watching!
Today was Tim's birthday! His biggest surprise was the additional party guest that showed up in the front parlor- Little Timmy dressed in Tim's own Cub Scout uniform! The story behind this is that a few years ago Tim found a trunk filled with his scouting uniform and crafts he had made in scouts along with their newsletters and his mother's Den Mother's uniform. For years, he has talked about one day finding a little mannequin to display the outfit on. Well, this is the great find I came across in Xenia, OH! For $7 I walked out of a thrift store with this guy in my arms! Mom managed to discretely have Tim take the trunk out of the attic and had him show her all of the treasures inside. She asked him to keep the trunk out till she came over again so she could read the newsletters and such! Well, all a ploy so that I could dress the guy today in his uniform! I had to roll the pants legs up quite a bit and the arms too but all in all, he was perfect!
Tim didn't stop talking about Little Timmy all night! I think he was quite touched and will enjoy seeing his little outfit on display!
He opened his presents and Garden Kitty made her usual appearance, checking out Little Timmy, the cake and the loot.
Tim also got his free ice cream today from Cold Stone Creamery! The guy was super nice and let me get about 1/4 of the amount in Raspberry Sorbet so I could share it! Free is just always good! Mexican dinner with family as a grand finale made for quite the perfect birthday!
Happy Birthday Hubby! Have many, many more!!!!!! I love you ferefer as we say....
Vintage Indie Magazine, your online source for living a Modern Life with a Vintage Perspective
My Scrapbook Room
Favorite Quotes
"If you're going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now." Marie Osmond
"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein
"When you can't change circumstances, you can change your response to them." Tim Hansel
We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.