Here it is folks, life in Juniorland....this is where poor Junior (and I overnight) have spent almost the last two weeks! His feet are FINALLY much better after all the setbacks from the front declawing. A week ago Friday he was still bleeding and opening up his incisions so we ended up boarding him for the weekend. After the storm hit last Sunday, I couldn't reach the vet's by phone Monday and decided to just drive on over to see if he could come home. It was quite the drive to and from with most of the stoplights out, an accident happening in front of me at one busy intersection and a rude driver screaming at me to go at a four way stop (I was being on the cautious side having just witnessed the accident at the previous stop...geez!)
Anyway, Junior has been a trooper and stayed in the guest room most of the week, with a few short visits to the rest of the upstairs here and there along with two long naps on my lap yesterday while I sat at the computer! He is such a sweet lap kitty!
I've had a heck of a week with that horrendous knife like pain in my side coming back Wednesday, nausea, a UTI and some other things I'll spare you the details on! Slowly but surely I'm getting better though.
And so is Junior and come Monday he's free to take over the house again!
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