I love vintage Easter stuff, can you tell? I especially have a fondness/weakness for vintage egg dye packages! It's hard anymore to find a pack or a box I don't already have! I also love the vintage plastic candy containers, cardboard candy boxes, advertising signs, wrapping paper, stuffed bunnies and even unique bunny related items, like the crayons, board game and safety pins!
A large part of my collection is housed in a beautiful old wooden bookcase that came out of the original Madison, IN library. It stands in our front foyer so I see it every single day! I have another small glass case that holds overflow and then other items are mixed all around! The large pink paper mache rabbit holding the purple Easter egg was purchased on our honeymoon and his eyes light up!
Well, that's all folks! Happy Easter!
Your collection is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING - i can't believe how many Easter items you have! That display cabinet is just WOW...I could stand in front of it for a couple of hours and just study all that fun stuff inside. JEEPERS!
I have never seen anything like this!
This is just spectacular, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful Easter collection. It certainly puts mine to shame!!!
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