I've way behind on blogging! It's hard to believe the Antique Advertising Association of America's convention was already almost two weeks ago! We had so much fun! Mom and I attended the ice cream social Thursday night after I got off work and then we went room hopping where all the dealers set up items for sale. We saw lots of familar faces from the Indy ad show and visited and shopped till almost 11pm!
We got up bright and early Friday morning to attend Bette's seminar on the Cosmetic and Beauty industry. It was wonderful! She's just the best and we are going to finally get to see her personal collection when we jaunt up to her home in Cincy in early August! After the seminar, we had lunch and the silent auction, which was really fun! More room hopping and my friend Janie came at 2pm when it opened to the public. She was thrilled to find some Monarch, Quaker Oats and Girl Scout related items for her collections! More room hopping and then dinner with friends and then we came home and collapsed! Poor Tim was chained to his editing room during all this working on the new Fontaine Ferry DVD so he didn't get to attend any of the convention events!
Of course, a few goodies came home with me for our collections!
So, was the clown stand-up from a Baskin Robbins Ice Cream store?? Seems kinda familiar to me. Looks like A LOT of fun treasures!!
I don't know but it came home with me! :]
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