So, about a month ago I was checking out the magazines at Wal Mart and the All You one's cover caught my eye. It had these really cute spooky, creepy cupcakes pictured with the instructions inside. I decided to buy it and make these for Tim to take in to work the week of Halloween.
Little by little, I purchased the ingredients and decorations. I even made a trip over to the Dundee Candy Co. on Bardstown Rd. as they were willing to let me pick and choose the Jelly Bellys so I could get the ones that looked like rocks. And, do you know how hard it is to find black licorice laces anymore? You can't just buy a cheapo bag at Walgreens or Wal Mart. Nope, you have to go to the Dundee Candy Co. and purchase a wheel, unwind it, and pull two strands apart. So, remember that for future reference.
Okay, so the day arrived, that would be today, and it was time to make the cupcakes. I recruited some help, that would be mom, and three hours later we had 27 cupcakes. Well, 26 because Tim already ate one! He wanted to be sure and taste test one before taking it in to work.
It took us over THREE hours to put these puppies together and they look sorta like the pictures in the magazine. That was when mom explained to me all about food stylists and how they make things look so good in the magazines and cookbooks with fake stuff that yours couldn't possibly ever come out the same. So, mine only look mostly like the pictures. We've got one-eyed monsters, jack-o-lanterns, hairy scarys, graveyards, bats and creepy curly guys.
They even taste pretty darn good according to Tim!
So, now back to decorating Christmas trees.
those are so cute Elizabeth! You and your mom did a great job! It crossed my mind for about a second that I might try those, but I just cut out the coupons and threw the rest away! I know my limits! ;) Great job!
Yum! They will be MOST appreciated!!!
Very cute!
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