We decided we were long overdue for an evening at The Melting Pot so I booked our reservation way in advance of Valentine's Day weekend! We ended up going Friday when you had the option to order off the regular menu because I didn't like the special menu for Sat and Sun! With the ultimate arrival of more snow Sat into Sun, I guess we definitely did the right thing!
Dinner was SO good! It was nice to sit down and relax and eat something different! Tim really enjoyed it and commented several times that it was even better than he remembered! We're planning to go for his birthday in July already!
After dinner we headed over to Half Price Books and found a few goodies! After dinner digested a little, I decided I would get a kid's scoop of my favorite concoction at Cold Stone Creamery! (We hit Michael's before dinner and I picked up three packs of beautiful Prima flowers, all with 40% off coupons!). What a perfect evening!
We saved our gift giving until Sunday itself although I had already gotten my pretty flowers Thurs night! We went light on gifts this year mainly because we are STILL trying to find homes for Christmas presents, it's been an extremely cold winter and the gas and electric bills in this old house are horrendous and we splurged on dinner. And the bookstore, ha ha!
Our 11th Valentine's Day together....sigh....
Mom gave me a pack of sweet vintage valentines mainly with a food theme for my growing collection! I someday hope to do an altered recipe album with them! She also put a gift card to Jimmy John's in my card, yum! Love that place! We had our little Valentine's exchange Saturday and she loved the vintage pink heart shaped candy box complete with an iris attached to the front that I found for her collection! I also found a tiny bottle of vintage perfume for that collection and she gave me a box filled with some great treasures for my etsy shop that she had found!
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