So, in the last 2 in a half weeks I have continued to decorate for Christmas, put up 27 trees, flown to Virgina, celebrated my dad's 75th birthday, pulled off three surprises for his birthday, celebrated Emma's 4th birthday while there, shopped in Williamsburg till we shut the stores down, flown back to Indiana, unpacked 130 lbs worth of luggage, celebrated Thanksgiving with my aunt and uncle in Hanover, celebrated my aunt's birthday Sunday at my house, listed like a mad woman on etsy, topped 2000 sales on etsy (WOO HOO!!!!), packed, shipped, hunted, sorted, grocery shopped more times than I can count, cleaned, dusted, decorated outside, prepared for our upcoming open house (ongoing!), wrapped Christmas presents, worked, written my last set of minutes as MSPA Secretary (I'm retiring!), taken pictures of an antique store in Jeffersonville for an article that hasn't been written yet for Vintage Indie, mailed/delivered open house invitations, reinjured my pinky, gone to the doctor about my pinky, created two handmade perfume bottles (one for my aunt for Christmas, one for my etsy shop!), done endless laundry, put away endless amounts of clothing and get the idea!
See why I haven't had time to update my poor, neglected blog?!
I'll be back soon I hope!