Saturday was the Antique Advertising Show in Indy. It's one of our favorite shows and we were on the road by 8 AM. A quick stop at Hardee's for biscuits, yummy, and we were on our way. It was great as usual to see all the wonderful advertising pieces and friends we have made. Our friends Mike and Anita brought a new supply of peacock feathers for the kitties, another couple gave me a souvenir ashtray for my collection (it had been her aunt's!) and wedding pictures were shared! Amy and I touched base on our home being on tour during the Antique Advertising Convention this July!
Found a few goodies to add to our collections, my favorite being a Crayola crayons cardboard counter card! Mom couldn't go with us but she lived vicariously through me and will add a beautiful revolving postcard display rack to her collection and a wonderful 1930s art deco valentine candy box!
We had a quick lunch at Subway and then on to find the Allisonville Rd. Antique Mall. Well, turns out it had closed several years ago! Bummer! So we headed to the Shadeland Antique Mall which is owned by the sweetest lady and managed by Molly the Cat. Found some items for my etsy shop there and Tim insisted that the Bozo the Clown balloon dispenser needed to come home with me. (Early Christmas present!) I ended up interviewing them for an article on Vintage Indie and then we headed down the road to the Goodwill Outlet Center. Not as great as the one in Nashville but I still managed to fill a cart with old encyclopedias and a few other good books!
We had just enough time to dash through the Southport Antique Mall! So glad they stay open until 8pm! Found a few goodies there, including two chalkboards for a friend who had asked me to keep an eye out for them! A quick stop at Archivers down the road so I could use two last coupons and get my free cardstock before the end of the month! At 8:45pm we finally sat down to a gourmet dinner at McDonalds! I love their grilled chicken ranch wraps though!
Rolled in at 11pm, tired and weary, but having had a delightful day together doing one of the things we love best- antiquing! (And eating way too many McDonald's chocolate chip cookies!)
We hit the annual book sale at Locust Grove Friday morning and got some great books! Then on to lunch in Middletown and a couple of antique stores/malls. We found out about an estate sale over on Westport Rd. so we headed over there and it was so worth it! Found some great treasures in the basement, including lots of old books!
I went to a great estate sale Saturday morning just minutes away from our house! I got there about 1/2 hour after it started and people were already hauling the stuff out as fast as they could. I went straight to the basement and then to the garage where I dug through mounds of fallen boxes mainly filled with Christmas stuff! I found some great old labels, stationery, ledger paper, note pads, an unused vintage baby book still in the original box, a flamingo paint by number picture, a Kodak movie camera and a neat 60s light kit for Tim for his collection, a big jar of buttons as well as a tin filled with buttons, some carded, and a fair amount of vintage Christmas!
Vintage Indie Magazine, your online source for living a Modern Life with a Vintage Perspective
My Scrapbook Room
Favorite Quotes
"If you're going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now." Marie Osmond
"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein
"When you can't change circumstances, you can change your response to them." Tim Hansel
We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.